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Cala MurtaInformation

Max depth

30 m.


All levels

The Pinnacle is situated in the beautiful bay of Cala Murta. We start the dive in about 8 mt, swimming until we reach the wall of the pinnacle. We follow it keeping it on our right side until we find a beautiful cliff, where the top is around 10 meters and the bottom around 25. Here, due to the great visibility, you can pause a while, take in the scenery and look in the blue, often schools of barracuda are passing by. You can either then glide down the cliff wall which is covered of colourful Yellow encrusting anemone, or make a “free fall descent” which some say is the closest us divers get to flying under water! Along the wall we can see hiding Moray eels, groupers and octopuses and on the sandy bottom there is a chance of seeing sting rays. Towards the end of the wall you can find a little canyon where a big rock hides Moray eels, just above, at the end of the dive, as we start to gradually ascend there is a large arch. Swimming throw the arch over the rocks, you can find scorpion fishes and nudibranches. Here, we can do our safety stop while snooping around rocks… Who knows what other interesting creatures might be lurking about!

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