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Registration form

Please fill the following form to regsiter your diving activity.

Complete this questionnaire as a prerequisite to any recreational freediving or scuba diving activity.
Important for women: if you are pregnant (or trying to conceive) do not dive.
Diving activity type
Own Insurance*

Contact in case of emergency

1. I have had problems with my lungs, breathing, heart and/or blood affecting my normal physical or mental performance.
Box A
Chest surgery, heart surgery, heart valve surgery, an implantable medical device (eg, stent, pacemaker, neurostimulator), pneumothorax, and/or chronic lung disease.
Asthma, wheezing, severe allergies, hay fever or congested airways within the last 12 months that limits my physical activity/exercise.
A problem or illness involving my heart such as: angina, chest pain on exertion, heart failure, immersion pulmonary edema, heart attack or stroke, or am taking medication for any heart condition.
Recurrent bronchitis and currently coughing within the past 12 months, OR have been diagnosed with emphysema.
Symptoms affecting my lungs, breathing, heart and/or blood in the last 30 days that impair my physical or mental performance.
2. I am over 45 years of age.
Box B
I currently smoke or inhale nicotine by other means.
I have a high cholesterol level.
I have high blood pressure.
I have had a close blood relative die suddenly or of cardiac disease or stroke before the age of 50, OR have a family history of heart disease before age 50 (including abnormal heart rhythms, coronary artery disease or cardiomyopathy).
3. I struggle to perform moderate exercise (for example, walk 1.6 kilometer/one mile in 14 minutes or swim 200 meters/yards without resting), or I have been unable to participate in a normal physical activity due to fitness or health reasons within the past 12 months.
4. I have had problems with my eyes, ears, or nasal passages/sinuses.
Box C
Sinus surgery within the last 6 months.
Ear disease or ear surgery, hearing loss, or problems with balance.
Recurrent sinusitis within the past 12 months.
Eye surgery within the past 3 months.
5. I have had surgery within the last 12 months, OR I have ongoing problems related to past surgery.
6. I have lost consciousness, had migraine headaches, seizures, stroke, significant head injury, or suffer from persistent neurologic injury or disease.
Box D
Head injury with loss of consciousness within the past 5 years.
Persistent neurologic injury or disease.
Recurring migraine headaches within the past 12 months, or take medications to prevent them.
Blackouts or fainting (full/partial loss of consciousness) within the last 5 years.
Epilepsy, seizures, or convulsions, OR take medications to prevent them.
7. I am currently undergoing treatment (or have required treatment within the last five years) for psychological problems, personality disorder, panic attacks, or an addiction to drugs or alcohol; or, I have been diagnosed with a learning or developmental disability.
Box E
Behavioral health, mental or psychological problems requiring medical/psychiatric treatment.
Major depression, suicidal ideation, panic attacks, uncontrolled bipolar disorder requiring medication/psychiatric treatment.
Been diagnosed with a mental health condition or a learning/developmental disorder that requires ongoing care or special accommodation.
An addiction to drugs or alcohol requiring treatment within the last 5 years.
8. I have had back problems, hernia, ulcers, or diabetes.
Box F
Recurrent back problems in the last 6 months that limit my everyday activity.
Back or spinal surgery within the last 12 months.
Diabetes, either drug or diet controlled, OR gestational diabetes within the last 12 months.
An uncorrected hernia that limits my physical abilities..
Active or untreated ulcers, problem wounds, or ulcer surgery within the last 6 months.
9. I have had stomach or intestine problems, including recent diarrhea.
Box G
Ostomy surgery and do not have medical clearance to swim or engage in physical activity.
Dehydration requiring medical intervention within the last 7 days.
Active or untreated stomach or intestinal ulcers or ulcer surgery within the last 6 months.
Frequent heartburn, regurgitation, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Active or uncontrolled ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease.
Bariatric surgery within the last 12 months.
10. I am taking prescription medications (with the exception of birth control or or anti-malarial drugs other than mefloquine (Lariam).
If you answered NO to all 10 questions above, a medical evaluation is not required. Please read and agree to the participant statement below by signing and dating it.
De conformidad con lo dispuesto en el RGPD UE 679/2016 y la Ley Orgánica 3/2018 de 5 de Diciembre, (LOPDPGDD) se le facilita la siguiente información de protección de datos: Responsable: TRAMUNTANA DIVING, SOCIEDAD LIMITADAU., CIF: B56865363, Dir. postal: C/ ELCANO Nº 9 ESQ. VIRGEN DEL CARMEN, C.P.: 07470, PORT DE POLLENÇA, Teléfono: 971876279, Correo electrónico: FINALIDAD: En TRAMUNTANA DIVING, SOCIEDAD LIMITADAU. tratamos la información que nos facilita con el fin de prestarles el servicio solicitado, realizar la facturación del mismo y gestionar el envío de información y prospección comercial. Los datos personales proporcionados se conservarán, mientras sean útiles para la finalidad indicada, y, en todo caso, durante los plazos legales y para el tiempo necesario para atender a posibles responsabilidades nacidas del tratamiento. LEGITIMACIÓN: El tratamiento de sus datos de carácter personal está basado en la ejecución de un contrato, el cumplimiento de una obligación legal y su consentimiento, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el RGPD UE 679/2016 (ART. 6.1 .A. B.C.) y la Ley Orgánica 3/2018 de 5 de Diciembre, (LOPDPGDD). Resulta de aplicación la Ley de Servicios de Sociedad de la Información 34/2002, artículos 20 y 21, para el envío de ofertas comerciales mediante telecomunicaciones. DESTINATARIOS: Sus datos no se cederán a terceros ajenos salvo en los casos en que exista una obligación legal. Asimismo sus datos pueden ser cedidos a terceros, cuando esta cesión resulte necesaria para prestar el servicio contratado. Sus datos también pueden ser cedidos a la Administración pública competente para cumplir con las obligaciones legales aplicables. No hay previsión de transferencia de datos a terceros países. DERECHOS: Puede ejercitar sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, portabilidad, limitación y oposición al tratamiento de sus datos así como a no ser objeto de decisiones basadas únicamente en el tratamiento automatizado de sus datos de carácter personal. Usted tiene derecho a presentar una reclamación ante la Autoridad de Control: Agencia Española de Protección Datos ( Send

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